SØR Rusche Collection - Abstraction and Colour – ONLINE ONLY

10 to 23 April 2020


10 to 23 April 2020, 6pm CET

Thomas Rusche's collection of contemporary art is the result of a dialogue between contemporary art and Old Masters. It is therefore not surprising that there are many figurative works in the collection. But that the collection also contains many fascinating abstract works is what our online auction in April will be about.

The theme "Abstraction and Colour" addresses two significant design features in art. It goes without saying that colour has been an indispensable means of creating art since the beginnings of painting. However, over the centuries it has undergone a reinterpretation. In the art of the Middle Ages, each colour had a meaning that the viewer could "read" in order to better understand the statement of the painting. For example the colours red and blue stood for purity like that of the Virgin Mary, in whose garment they are almost always found.

Impressionism, too, primarily used color to express its own message that an object can change its appearance and character when seen in different light moods and at different times of day.

A revolution in the use of colour was carried out by Expressionism, which separated colour from the object and shocked viewers with green skin colour and orange trees.

Among the contemporaries of the SØR Rusche Collection, we now find everything from the pure pleasure of color composition, masterfully expressed by Pius Fox, to the subtle suggestion of an atmosphere in David Schnell's highly complex prints.

Compared to color composition, abstraction is a young discipline in the history of fine arts. Just as with color, the detachment from the object has given artists an almost revolutionary freedom.

The transition from figuration to abstraction is not hard-cut, but the transitions are fluid. Jochen Plogsties places a fish, which can be recognized at first glance and is true to detail, in a surrounding that suggests enough light and shadow to create a perspective and a clearing. Even if a fish in a forest clearing does not yet appear abstract enough, the form that accompanies the fish is almost completely dissolved and can no longer really be recognized.

The interplay of clearly defined to dissolved form is also found in Christian Achenbach's work. Rough brushstrokes, colour stains and blobs meet with defined geometric figures and patterns and together they become an exciting composition.

With 128 works in the price range from 100 to 3,000 euros.

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