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Katalog 395 | Asiatische Kunst

2085 ARCHAISTIC HU SHAPED VASE. HU-VASE IN ARCHAISIERENDEM STIL. China. 18th c. Bronze with dark patina and gold and silver inlays. The body with a band of stylized bird on a leiwen ground, on the neck a band with animal heads in relief, flanked by qilong dragons and a sun in between. Beneath the band leaves, below the mouth an inlaid leiwen border. Height 27.8cm. Underneath an unusual threepartite mark: yong bao yong (To be used forever as a treasure). Condition A/B. 仿古风格铜壶 18世紀 高27.8cm 銅胎深色包漿,嵌金銀。 底部刻有罕見葫蘆形三字永宝用款。 € 1.800 - 2.100 | $ 1.962 - 2.289 2086 DOUBLE VASE. DOPPELFISCH-VASE. China. Qing Dynasty. Bronze with dark patina. Old repairs. Two jumping carps. In China’s legends the leaping carp could transform into a dragon, so it is a symbol of success. Height 42.5cm. Condition B. Literatur: -Robert D. Mowry: China’s Renaissance in Bronze: The Robert H. Clague Collection of Later Chinese Bronzes, 1100-1900. Phoenix 1993. Compare type: No 56. 雙鱼造型铜瓶 清 高42.5cm 銅胎深色包漿。 有旧时修复的痕迹。 参考文献:Robert D. Mowry: China‘s Renaissance in Bronze: The Robert H. Clague Collection of Later Chinese Bronzes, 1100-1900. Phoenix 1993. Compare type: No. 56。 € 1.600 - 1.800 | $ 1.744 - 1.962 2085 2086

Katalog 395 | Asiatische Kunst
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