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Katalog 395 | Asiatische Kunst

2083 IMPRESSIVE TALL GUANYIN. GROSSE ELEGANTE GUANYIN. China. Qing Dynasty or later. Bronze with dark patina, silver inlays and residue of black lacquer. Guanyin as an elegant lady dressed in fluttering drapery which she is holding together in front of her chest. Her hair is pinned up in an elaborate chignon and her chest is adorned with a ruyi jewel. The urna on the forehead depicted through a silver bead, the borders and cloud patterns of her garment inlaid with silver. The design and quality suggests a workshop in the tradition of Yutang Shisou. Weight 14,2kg, height 58cm, width 17cm. On the back ten archaic seal script signs inlaid with silver: Da Song Ci Zong Wu Min Zhong Qiu Gao Dan - Lucky period of the moon festival, for the family altar, Song Dynasty, but later. Condition A/B. Supplement: Fitting wooden base in the shape of a double flower. Provenance: -From a German private collection, acquired in the 1970s. 大型铜嵌银丝观音立像 清或晚期 重約14.2kg/高58cm/宽17cm 銅胎嵌银丝表面黑漆 观音菩薩髮髻高束,眉間白毫嵌銀,双眼半 閉,眼睑低垂,面部丰腴恬淡,胸前佩蓮花 瓔珞。身披宽袖长袍,身前衣帶交結,双手 含袖置於身右側。衣褶密集流暢,衣袍下摆 隨风飄佛,其上嵌銀絲如意 雲頭紋,边沿 饰精細银丝卷草紋。背后嵌銀丝古文一行 十字「大宋祠宗五民仲秋告旦」。 整座銅像造型工艺精湛,线条優美飄逸, 嵌銀裝饰工藝精細,似“玉堂石叟”風格 之作品。 相配双蓮木座。 來源:德国私人收藏,购于1970年代。 € 12.000 - 15.000 | $ 13.080 - 16.350

Katalog 395 | Asiatische Kunst
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