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Katalog 395 | Asiatische Kunst

2081 GUANYIN WITH PARROT. GUANYIN MIT PAPAGEI. China. Late Ming Dynasty. Bronze with green patina. Sitting on a lotus throne on a high base with voluted feet. At her left shoulder a parrot with a leaf stalk, the attribute at the right side, which might have been a vase, is missing today. Height 24cm, width 15cm. Condition B. 銅觀音鸚鵡像 明晚期 高24cm/寬15cm 銅胎綠色包漿。觀音左肩站一聽經鸚鵡, 右肩頸瓶缺失。 € 600 - 800 | $ 654 - 872 2082 SONG ZI NIANGNIANG. SONG ZI NIANGNIANG. China. Ming Dynasty. 16th/17th c. Bronze with dark, shining patina. The deity in royal regalia and with phoenix crown is sitting on a throne and presents a child. She is regarded as child bringing, but often she is also equated with the Guanyin. Height 20cm, width 16.5cm. Condition A/B. Throne on the back filled with mass. 送子娘娘銅坐像 明 16/17世紀 高20cm/寬16.5cm 銅胎深色明亮包漿。 € 800 - 1.000 | $ 872 - 1.090 China Kunsthandwerk 2081 2082

Katalog 395 | Asiatische Kunst
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