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Katalog 385 | Asiatische Kunst

2137 STEHENDER BODHISATTVA. Nepal. 16./17. Jh. Kupferlegierung mit Feuervergoldung, Reste von roter Kultbemalung. Höhe 15,5cm. Zustand A/B. Provenienz: -Privatsammlung Deutschland. STANDING BODHISATTVA. Nepal. 16th/17th c. Copper alloy with fire-gilding, traces of red paint. Standing in elegant contrapposto on a moon lotus. His right hand raised in the gesture of reasoning, his left opened in the mudrâ of wish granting. Clothed in sheer fabric and adorned with the jewelry of Bodhisattva. A fivefold crown as a sign of bonding with the wisdom of the five Tathâgata. Behind the head a halo with leaves. Height 15.5 cm. Condition A/B. Buddhistische Kunst Provenance: -Private collection Germany. 鎏金銅菩薩立像 尼泊爾 16/17世紀 高15.5cm 來源:德國私人收藏。 € 1.500 - 1.700 | $ 1.635 - 1.853 2138 GRÜNE TÂRÂ. Tibet/Himalaya-Gebiet. Ca. 16. Jh. Bronze mit Resten von Vergoldung, mit dunkler und grüner Patina. Höhe 13,2cm. Zustand B. Sockel etwas eingedrückt. GREEN TÂRÂ. Tibet/Himalaya region. Ca. 16th c. Bronze with residue of gilding, dark patina with green spots. Sitting on a lotus throne with her hands in varada and vitarka mudrâ, to the sides of the shoulders lotus flowers. The right foot placed on a separate lotus as a symbol of her willingness to act. Height 13.2cm. Condition B. Base somewhat dented. 鎏金銅綠度母坐像 西藏/喜馬拉雅地區 約16世紀 高13.2cm € 2.000 - 3.000 | $ 2.180 - 3.270 2137 2138

Katalog 385 | Asiatische Kunst
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