SØR Rusche Collection – On Canvas – ONLINE ONLY

20 November - 3 December 2020


20 November - 3 December 2020, 6pm CET
No 1 - 130

The SØR Rusche Collection contains art across all genres, with painting as a focal point. Above all, the classical medium of the canvas is frequently represented and the 10th online auction of the SØR Rusche Collection is dedicated to this medium.

Paintings on canvas are a relatively new invention in art history. While wood was the preferred medium until the late Middle Ages, painting on canvas was discovered in the Renaissance. The new inexpensive and light painting background prompted artists to be able to produce large formats without problems for clients.

The advantages of cloth painting spread quickly, so that the canvas became the most popular painting support from the 16th century onwards.

The oil and later also the acrylic painting found its peak then in the 19th and 20th century and were partly "replaced" in the 1970s/1980s of the 20th century by numerous new media and art forms. Mixed media, graphics, performance art and many others gained popularity and often painting was declared dead. But even the digital flood of images of the 2000s did not limit the attractiveness of contemporary painting for young artists. For some years now it has been experiencing an impressive renaissance, which is carried in the SØR Rusche Collection by many contemporary artists, especially from Berlin or Leipzig.

On offer are works by great painters such as Rigo Schmidt, Jan Dörre or Philip Grözinger.

The auction comprises 130 works in a price range from 100 to 2,000 euros.

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