The Kasper König Collection - His Private Choice - Part III

15 – 23 January 2025

(can be seen from 15 January 2025)

15 – 23 January 2025
The first lot expires at 4 pm.

Following the extremely successful LIVE and ONLINE ONLY auctions in September 2024, the third part of the auction of the Kasper König collection now follows. In the first sales, 370 lots were offered, with outstanding sales rates of 98% by lot and 234% by value. The third part now comprises a further 240 lots.
The unique private collection of Professor Kasper König will be auctioned under the title “The Kasper König Collection - His Private Choice”. Over the course of many decades, the former director of Cologne’s Museum Ludwig amassed numerous exciting positions in modern and contemporary art. König is one of the most renowned and internationally influential exhibition organizers for contemporary art. The collection grew rather unexpectedly over the decades and developed not least through numerous artist friendships and encounters during his professional career. The collection should therefore be seen as a commitment to art. In addition to great works of post-war art and all media of contemporary art, the collection fascinates with numerous conceptual works.
In the price range from €50 – €6,000
Guy Allott | Özlem Altin | Curtis Anderson | Stephan Balkenhol | Dragutin Banic | Thomas Bayrle | Boris Becker | Hans Bellmer | Joseph Beuys | Bernhard Johannes Blume | Claus Böhmler | Jürgen Bordanowicz | Leda Bourgogne | George Brecht | Dorothea Breick | Joachim Brohm | Holger Bunk | Balthasar Burkhard | Tom Burr | Ernst Caramelle | Jewgeni Chaldej | Cristina Cojanu | Robin Collyer | Tony Conrad | John Coplans | Greg Curnoe | Walter Dahn | Bruce Davidson | Stefan Demary | Gerald Domenig | Kerstin Drechsel | Peter Duka | Maria Eichhorn | Lisa Endriß | Andreas Exner | Friederike Feldmann | Peter Fend | Berta Fischer | Peter Fischli und David Weiss | Carsten Fock | Adib Fricke | Bernard Frize | Bernhard Fuchs | Seiichi Furuya | Marcus Geiger | Isa Genzken | Ludger Gerdes | Paul-Armand Gette | Ludwig Gosewitz | Dan Graham | Michael Hakimi | Bernhard Härtter | Georg Herold | Thomas Hirschhorn | Antonius Höckelmann | Karl Holmqvist | Richard Pare | Candida Höfer | Christine und Irene Hohenbüchler | Robert Irwin | Jim Isermann | Christian Jankowski | Julia Jansen | Ilya Kabakov | Michael Kalmbach | Axel Kasseböhmer | On Kawara | Annette Kelm | Stefan Kern | Jan Knap | Arthur Köpcke | Tadaaki Kuwayama | Theo Lambertin | Gabriele Langendorf | David Lamelas | Stéphane Le Mercier | Marko Lehanka | Martin Liebscher | Erik van Lieshout | Nikolaus List | Peter Mell | Michaela Meise | Boris Mikhailov | Pentti Monkkonen | Wolfgang Nestler | Tatzu Nishi | Paul Noble | Paul Nougé | Albert Oehlen | Claes Oldenburg | Dietrich Orth | Tom Otterness | Manfred Peckl | Raymond Pettibon | Nicole van den Plas | Sigmar Polke |  SUSI POP | David Reed | Tobias Rehberger | Mari Reijnders | Chris Reinecke | Gunter Reski | Claus Richter | Klaus Richter | Jean-Jacques Rullier | Ulrich Rückriem | Thomas Ruff | Karin Sander | Christian Schad | Julia Scher | Martin Schmidl | Michael Schmidt | Gregor Schneider | Günther Schoregge | Henrik Schrat | Wilhelm Schürmann | Thomas Schütte | Peter Schuyff | Shimabuku | Andreas Siekmann | Michael Smith | Ettore Spalletti | Serge Spitzer | Gary Stephan | Barbara Steppe | Thomas Struth | Manfred Stumpf | Anett Stuth | André Thomkins | Adalbert Trillhaase | Walter Wahlstedt | John Wesley | Stephen Wilks | Neil Williams | Gerhard Wittner | Norbert Witzgall | Johannes Wohnseifer | Gustav Wunderwald | Ulrich Wüst | Günter Zint 

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Video with Prof. Kasper König in his apartment in Berlin, June 2024 (in German)



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