1959 Edinburgh
Parkett - The Complete Editions
Taxe: € 600
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1959 Edinburgh
Titel: Gasthof (für Parkett 67).
Datierung: 2003.
Technik: Farbradierung auf Bütten.
Darstellungsmaß: 65,5 x 55,5cm.
Blattmaß: 79,5 x 66,5cm.
Bezeichnung: Signiert, nummeriert und betitelt.
Herausgeber: Parkett-Verlag, Zürich (Hrsg.).
Exemplar: 1/70.
Rahmen: Rahmen.
Verso montiert. Ansonsten befindet sich die Druckgrafik in sehr gutem Zustand.
Mit Parkett-Magazin.
"Peter Doig once said that one doesn't have to paint the present simply because it's there - his pictures depict the characteristics of painting itself and the spaces that can establish a relationship between pictures, reality and imagination for the artist and the viewer - just as he has presented it in practice, as multiple layers, as interlocking, shifting times and places, thereby re-actualizing our own connection to the places of our imagination and experience. 'I paint versions because I think that the best ones are never done - one desires to go back for more, like in lots of other areas of life... more. One wants to see more, hear more, experience more and also hope for the same sensations again in all of the above...'"
Beatrix Ruf, Parkett Nr. 67, 2003.
squarespace.com/static/5e614fa6565bfc04478be7be/t/5ea2b4fc24f50167794c0ef4/1587721474723/Parkett+67+Doig+Peter.pdf" target="_blank">Artikel zu Werk und Künstler aus Parkett Edition Nr. 67.
Johann Herkenhöner
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504. Parkett - The Complete Editions,
Taxe: € 600
Ergebnis: €
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