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Katalog 395 | Asiatische Kunst

2154 LIFE SIZE GUANYIN SITTING IN PADMASANA. LEBENSGROSSE GUANYIN, SITZEND IN PADAMASANA. China. Wood with dark paint lacquer. With her left holding a pearl. In the crown a representation of the Amitabha. Height 82cm. Condition B. Cracks. Provenance: -Private collection Rheinland-Palatinate 真人大小觀音跏趺坐像 高82cm 木胎深色漆。左手持珠。 冠上阿彌陀佛像。 來源:萊茵蘭 - 普法爾茨州私人收藏。 € 1.700 - 2.500 | $ 1.853 - 2.725 2153 LARGE BRUSH POT WITH WOOD CUTTERS. GROSSER PINSELBECHER MIT HOLZFÄLLERN. China. Cyclically dated to 1924 (Jia Zi Xia), but maybe later. Wang Yun attributed. Bamboo root, cut in deep relief with undercut. Height 25.5cm. Sign: Wang Yun (1888-1934). Title: Song Ren Fa Mu - Wood cutters in the country of Song in the period of Confucius. Condition A/B. 伐木圖大筆筒 甲子夏 1924 可能更晚。 高25,5cm 竹根浮雕,深刻人物圖案。 鈐印 王雲款。 題識 宋人伐木。 € 800 - 1.000 | $ 872 - 1.090 2153 2154

Katalog 395 | Asiatische Kunst
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