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Katalog 395 | Asiatische Kunst

2102 HEAD OF A BUDDHA. KOPF EINES BUDDHA. China. Northern Qi - early Sui dynasty. 6th c. Lime sandstone, finely modeled and evenly polished with a thin patina skin, darker at the upper head. Soft features with a serene expression. His eyes closed half under the arched brows starting at the upper part of the small nose. The lips pressed and the ears elongated with realistic details. The hair parted in the middle under a softly rounded high ushnisha. The back unpolished and with a square recess. Height 26.5cm, width ca. 15cm, depth ca. 18cm. Condition A/B. Supplement: On a square wooden base. Provenance: -Private collection Cologne, acquired in the 1980s. -Private collection of an architect in Rhineland, acquired in the 1950/60s. 石雕佛首 北齐至隋早期 大概6世紀 高26.5cm/宽15cm/深18cm 砂岩佛首造型精緻,表面光滑,頭上部略 帶深色綠斑包漿,面容祥和,眉鼻相連, 揚眉之下雙目微閉。雙唇緊閉。 雙耳長垂,細節豐富。佛首背面自然粗糙, 有一四方形固定處。 配木制底座。 來源: -自1980年代科隆私人收藏。 -1950/60年代萊茵地區某建筑家私人收藏。 € 2.000 - 2.500 | $ 2.180 - 2.725

Katalog 395 | Asiatische Kunst
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