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Katalog 395 | Asiatische Kunst

2059 EXCEPTIONAL GUANYIN IN RAJA LALITASANA. AUSSERGEWÖHNLICHE GUANYIN IN RAJA LALITASANA. China. Ming Dynasty. Bronze with dark, shiny patina. The long upper body is erected and covered with magnificent pearl jewelry over the flowing robes. In the right hand holding a prayer-chain. The countenance with a benevolent smile, the hair parted in the middle, held by a hair band and in artful knotted strings lying on the shoulders. Both feet stand on their own little lotus bases. Height 27cm. Condition A/B. Provenance: -Private collection Northern Germany, acquired since the 1850s. 不同寻常的观音铜像 明 高27cm 銅胎深色明亮包漿。 来源:北德私人收藏,始於19世紀50年 代的收藏。 € 5.000 - 7.000 | $ 5.450 - 7.630 China Kunsthandwerk

Katalog 395 | Asiatische Kunst
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