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Katalog 395 | Asiatische Kunst

Aus einer Norddeutsche Privatsammlung. In den 1980er Jahren im Kunsthandel erworben. From a private collection Northern Germany. In the 1980s acquired at an art dealer. Buddhistische Kunst 2211 IMPRESSIVE FIGURE OF VAJRADHARA IN YAB-YUM. EINDRUCKSVOLLE FIGUR DES VAJRADHARA IN YAB-YUM. Tibet. Late 19th c. Bronze with fire-gilding and richly inlaid stones. With his partner Vajrayogini in yab-yum and seated on a double lotus pedestal. Both of them with crossed hands holding the vajra and ghanta bell, their bodies adorned with jewelry, and a multi-leaved crown on their head. A curved scarf forming a mandorla around the Buddha’s chest. Height 36.5cm. Condition A/B. Supplement: Lotus pedestal cast separately. Provenance: -Private collection Hamburg, Germany. 令人印象深刻的鎏金执金刚神双身修法铜像 西藏 19世紀晚期 高36.5cm 銅胎鍍金,大量鑲石。 附带物品:單獨分开的莲花底座。 来源:汉堡私人收藏。 € 2.500 - 2.800 | $ 2.725 - 3.052

Katalog 395 | Asiatische Kunst
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