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Katalog 395 | Asiatische Kunst

2195 HEVAJRA IN YAB-YUM. HEVAJRA IN YAB-YUM. Nepal. 19th/20th c. Finely detailed copper bronze with dark patina. The tantric deity with eight heads and sixteen arms. In each hand holding a kapala skull bowl with animals on the right side and gods on the left side. Standing on four legs. His partner Vajranairatma holds a kapala and a katrika chopping knife. Together they stand on human beings on a closed lotus base. The figure is skilfully shaped and worked with numerous details. Height 45cm, width 40cm. Condition B. Tilted forward on the base. Provenance: -Private collection Rhineland. 喜金刚双身修法铜像 尼泊尔 19/20世紀 重量14.5kg/高45cm/宽40cm 精緻部分錫青銅胎深色斑包漿。蓮座密封。 来源:莱茵州私人收藏。 € 1.500 - 2.000 | $ 1.635 - 2.180 Buddhistische Kunst 2194 THANGKA OF A DRIGUNG KAGYÜ LAMA. THANGKA EINES DRIGUNG KAGYÜ LAMA. Tibet. 18th century Colors and gold leaf on fabric. Mounted with Chinese damask silk as a hanging scroll. The lama sitting on a lion throne is holding an amrita vase in his left hand, the right in teaching gesture. He is surrounded by mythological animals with the garuda on top. To the sides other lama and teachers, on the upper right Manjushri in dharmachakra mudra on a green lion, beneath the lama Mahakala, flanked by Phalden Lhamo and Rudra Chakrin. 44 x 32cm, total dimensions 76.5 x 46cm. Condition A/B. Small restorations. 直贡噶举派喇嘛唐卡 西藏 18世紀 畫面44x32cm 整幅76.5x46cm 织布设色描金 中式綾卷轴装裱 有小的修復。 € 3.000 - 4.000 | $ 3.270 - 4.360 2194 2195

Katalog 395 | Asiatische Kunst
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