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Katalog 395 | Asiatische Kunst

2190 BUDDHA SHAKYAMUNI. BUDDHA SHAKYAMUNI. Tibet. About 1900. Heavy copper bronze, fire-gilding, and with pigments. Seated in padmasana on a lotus pedestal, in upright pose and with calm meditative face. In his left hand he holds the patra bowl, his right hand is in bhumisparsha mudra. Remarkable are the well preserved painting as well as the finely painted facial details. Height 25.5cm. Condition A/B. Supplement: Wooden base separately. Small damage on the wooden base. Provenance: -Private collection Hamburg, Germany. Buddhistische Kunst 鎏金釋迦牟尼铜佛 西藏 約1900年 高25.5cm 厚重錫青銅胎,燙金。 單獨的木制底座 木制底座有輕微的损壞。 来源:汉堡私人收藏。 € 1.500 - 1.800 | $ 1.635 - 1.962 2191 STANDING TARA WITH LOTUS GROWING OUT OF THE PEDESTAL. STEHENDE TARA MIT LOTOSZWEIG, AUS DEM SOCKEL ERWACHSEND. Tibet. Late 19th c. Copper bronze, partially fire-gilding and with residue of pigments. Height 16.7cm. Condition A/B. Rubbed. Provenance: -Private collection Hamburg, Germany. 鎏金度母铜立像 西藏 19晚期 高16.7cm 錫青銅胎部分鍍金描繪痕跡。有摩擦痕跡。 来源:汉堡私人收藏。 € 600 - 900 | $ 654 - 981 2190 2191

Katalog 395 | Asiatische Kunst
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