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Katalog 395 | Asiatische Kunst

2177 PADMASAMBHAVA. PADMASAMBHAVA. Tibet. 18th/19th c. Bronze. Sitting in padmasana, wearing full monks ornate, he is holding the vajra in his right and the skull bowl in his left. Base closed. Height 13cm. Condition A/B. Ritual staff missing. Provenance: -Private collection Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. 莲花生上师铜坐像 西藏 18/19世紀 高13cm 底座密封。 来源:Schleswig-Holstein私人收藏。 € 600 - 800 | $ 654 - 872 2178 FOUR-ARMED YIDAM KURUKULLA. VIERARMIGE YIDAM KURUKULLA. Tibet. 18th c. Copper bronze, finely engraved and with residue of pigments, jewelry partially gilded and with silver. The Buddhist deity depicted in characteristic posture, with semi-wrathful face and flaming hair. Her body adorned with a long skull necklace, a five-part skull crown on her head. Originally, she was holding the typical attributes as bow and arrow. Very fine figure with a lot of details. Height 12.2cm. Condition A/B. Supplement: New wooden stand. Provenance: -Private collection Münster, Germany. 四臂作明佛母铜像 西藏 18世紀 高12.2cm 錫青銅胎,表面精緻刻紋,宗教描繪圖案 痕跡,身體和頭飾部分鎏金鍍銀。 附带物品:新的木制底座。 来源:明斯特私人收藏。 € 1.500 - 1.700 | $ 1.635 - 1.853 2177 2178

Katalog 395 | Asiatische Kunst
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