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Katalog 395 | Asiatische Kunst

2176A IMPORTANT AND LARGE THANGKA OF THE TSOGSHIN OF THE GELUGPA SCHOOL. BEDEUTENDES, GROSSES THANGKA DES TSOGSHIN DER GELUGPASCHULE. Tibet. 1st third 20th c. Colors and gold on fabric. Mounted with curtain and silks as hanging scroll. Fine side knobs of bronze with residue of gilding. With Tsongkhapa in the center the painting shows in traditional manner lamas, siddhas and the gods of the Gelugpa school grouped on a tree. The founder of the school is characterized by the sword and the book on lotus flowers at his shoulders. He holds an alms bowl and on his breast appears Shakyamuni in front of a mandorla. To the upper right, Amitabha in his palace in the Western Paradise, on the left Maitreya with Atisha and Tsongkhapa. At the bottom right is shown the donor, sitting in front of a table with sacrifices. The unusually large thangka shows numerous figures in fine drawing. The dark blue shade of the sky was painted with precious lapis lazuli, many of the figures and details in gold leaf. Picture size 87,5 x 62,5cm. 154 x 106cm. Condition A/B. Provenance: -Collection Prof. Dr. Manfred Kulessa, Bonn. Acquired on a journey in the company of Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker 1969 in Dehli. 重要的大幅唐卡格鲁派宗喀巴 西藏 20世紀前期 畫面87,5cmx62,5cm/整幅154cmx106cm 織布設色描金。絲綢裝裱, 掛軸。銅製桿 球部分鍍金。 來源:波恩Prof. Dr. Manfred Kulessa教授 收藏。收藏家于1969年作為 Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker德里之行的隨行人員購得。 € 50.000 - 70.000 | $ 54.500 – 76.300 Buddhistische Kunst

Katalog 395 | Asiatische Kunst
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