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Katalog 395 | Asiatische Kunst

Buddhistische Kunst 2167 EXQUISITE AND RARE STORAGE CHEST. EXQUISITE UND SELTENE AUFBEWAHRUNGSTRUHE. Tibet. Late 16th c. Wood laminated with cotton fabric. Finely painted with pigments and gold, preserved unrestored. Brass fittings preserved completely. Remarkably all sides of the chest are decorated. The painting on the front and the back showing each a pair of confronted dragons, the sides are adorned with individual dragons. Densely stylized clouds and spirals with lotus flowers fill the ground. Between the dragons baskets with offerings and flaming pearls are positioned. The decor shows clear influences of Chinese art, corresponding to the period of origin. The Chinese emperor Wanli (1573-1620) became a great promoter of Chinese art as of Lamaist monasteries. The quality of the decoration leads to the conclusion that this chest was owned by a high-ranking lama or a person of the Tibetan aristocracy. Height 38cm, 76 x 34cm. Condition B. According to age, slight signs of use, more pronounced on the upper side. Provenance: -From a Buddhist cloister. Acquired locally 1990s. -Private collection Southern Germany. Acquired 2010 at Gallery K. Lambertz- Abraham, Düsseldorf, Germany. Detailed written description and assessment enclosed. Literature: -David Kamansky (ed): Wooden Wonders; Tibetan Furniture in Secular and Religious Life. Chicago 2004. Compare p. 48-51 and p. 234. -Tony Anninos: Painted Tibetan Furniture. In: Arts of Asia, Vol. 27. Hongkong 1997. Compare type p. 50. Buddhistische Kunst 精致且罕见彩绘描金龙纹木箱 西藏 16世紀晚期 高38cm 76x34cm 木質加棉織品夾層。描金原圖, 黃銅配 件保存完整。箱子的每一面都罕見得繪有 圖案。沒有修復過的狀態,前後兩面各有 保留的很好的雙龍圖案,在其他面上各有 單龍。 圖案明顯帶有漢藝術的影響。吻合木箱 年代,證明是在明萬曆皇帝(1573-1620) 推動漢藝術和喇嘛寺廟時期。做工的質量 表明這個箱子是屬於高層喇嘛或者西藏貴 族。 相對久遠的年代留下很少使用痕跡,只有 在頂部有使用痕跡。 来源/鑒定: -于20世紀90年代一间佛教寺庙里获得。 南德私人收藏。 -2010年于杜塞尔多夫K. Lambertz-Abraham 画廊获得, 附带详细的纸本描述级鉴定 材料。

Katalog 395 | Asiatische Kunst
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