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Katalog 385 | Asiatische Kunst

2029 GROßE MONDFLASCHE. China. Qing-Dynastie. 19. Jh. Porzellan famille rose. Zwei Medaillons mit spielenden Kindern im Garten. Höhe 44cm. Zustand A. LARGE MOON FLASK. China. Qing Dynasty. 19th c. Porcelain famille rose. Flat round shape with cylindrical neck and two stylized chilong handles. Two medallions with children playing in the garden, spared from red ground with lotus flowers and vines. Borders with stylized leaves at the base and ruyi heads on the lip. Height 44cm. Condition A. 粉彩抱月瓶 清 19世紀 高44cm 扁圓瓶身,長頸,高足,肩部兩側貼塑螭 龍柄。纏枝蓮紋胭脂紅地正反兩面圓形開 關,內繪嬰戲圖。 € 1.000 - 1.200 | $ 1.090 - 1.308 2030 VASE MIT GRAVIERTER GLASUR (ZHADAO). China. Republik-Zeit oder später. 20. Jh. Porzellan, fein bemalt in den Farben der famille rose. Gravierte Glasur in hellem Apfelgrün. Zwei große Kartuschen mit figürlichen Darstellungen. Höhe 38cm. Apokryphe Sechszeichenmarke Qianlong in Unterglasurblau. Zustand A/B. VASE WITH GRAVIER GLASS (ZHADAO). China. Republic period or later. 20th c. Porcelain, finely painted in the colors of the famille rose. Engraved glaze in bright apple green. Vase with round shoulder on short foot. On the bottom blooms of the four seasons. Two large cartridges in the shape of a double head with figurative representations in the garden with pavilion. On the neck two circumferential rib-like lines. The exposed lip in gold. Interior turquoise glazed and transparent in the ground. Height 38cm. Apokryphical six-character mark Qianlong in underglaze blue. Condition A/B. 粉彩綠地軋道開光人物瓶 民國或晚期 20世紀 高38cm 通體施蘋果綠釉,飾四季花卉。正反兩面 雙如意形開光,內繪人物庭院圖。肩頸部 兩道突弦紋,侈口沿描金,內壁施綠松石 釉。底心落「大清乾隆年製」六字青花寄 託款。 € 1.500 - 1.800 | $ 1.635 - 1.962 China 2029 2030 Porzellan & Keramik

Katalog 385 | Asiatische Kunst
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