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Katalog 385 | Asiatische Kunst

2017 TELLER MIT DRACHEN. China. Qing-Dynastie. Wohl Daoguang-Periode (1821-50). 19. Jh. Porzellan mit feiner weißer Glasur und Scherben, bemalt in Grün, Schwarz und Blau. Ø 17,5cm, Höhe 4,3cm. Im Boden Daoguang-Marke. Zustand A/B. Feine Haarrisse in der Wandung. Literatur: -Gunhild Avitabile: Vom Schatz der Drachen. From the Dragon‘s Treasure. London 1987. Typus vergleiche S. 44, Abb. 42. DISH WITH DRAGONS. China. Qing dynasty. Probably Daoguang Period (1821-50). 19th c. Porcelain with fine white glaze and body, painted in green, black and blue. Inside a green dragon in clouds on the hunt for the flaming pearls. On the rim in underglaze blue rings. Outside two flying dragons. Ø 17.5cm, height 4.3cm. Underneath in underglaze blue six-character Daoguang mark in seal script. Condition A/B. Fine hairline cracks in the wall. The design of the dragons follows the style of the Kangxi period (1662-1722). Literature: -Gunhild Avitabile: From the treasure of dragons. From the Dragon’s Treasure. London 1987. Compare type p. 44, fig. 42. 綠釉龍紋盤 清 可能為道光 19世紀 高4.3cm/直徑17.5cm 敞口,淺弧腹,圈足。器型規整,胎質細 膩堅硬,胎體厚薄均勻。通體施白釉, 釉面光潔瑩潤。盤口與盤心各繪一周青花 雙圈紋,內繪綠彩立龍戲珠紋,四周點綴 祥雲。蒼龍仿康熙朝紋飾,身體遒勁,五 爪鋒利,鋒芒畢現。外壁兩條行龍追逐火 球。盤底心青花書「大清道光年製」六字 三行篆書款。 參見:Gunhild Avitabile著《Vom Schatz der Drachen. From the Dragon’s Treasure 》(龍之寶),倫敦1987年出版,第 44頁,圖42。 € 4.500 - 6.500 | $ 4.905 - 7.085

Katalog 385 | Asiatische Kunst
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