SØR Rusche Collection - Old Masters meet Contemporaries

"You can't not communicate." 

Perhaps for the first time in the history of auctioning, consistently curated Old Master couples are offered in dialogue with Contemporary Art.

Auction: Thursday, 28 May 2020 (New date!)
From 2:30pm
Lot 1000 - 1099 Fine Art
Lot 1500 - 1581 SØR Rusche Collection – Old Masters meet Contemporaries
Preview: 22 to 25 May 2020
Friday 10am - 6pm
Saturday 10am - 6pm
Sunday 10am - 6pm
Monday 10am - 6pm

Frequently asked questions about our previews and auctions are summarized in our FAQs.

To the FAQs

"The sale of the SØR Rusche Collection, organised by Markus Eisenbeis, was a resounding success: VAN HAM reported a White Glove Sale without a single drop (...) and raised more than 2.5 million euros - twice as much as expected."
WirtschaftsWoche, 1 June 2019

The SØR Rusche Collection has been collected by four generations of the Rusche fashion house family. It consists of paintings by Dutch masters of the 17th century, juxtaposed with works by contemporary artists. The collection already achieved lots of auction records at VAN HAM in Cologne Now we have the opportunity to also offer the Old Masters of the collection and to bring them into dialogue with contemporary art in the auction on 28 May 2020.

"We have decided to sell the corporate collection of SØR Rusche GmbH in order to finance the digital transformation of the company and to secure the jobs of the employees in the long term," explains Thomas Rusche, Managing Director of SØR Rusche GmbH. The decision in favour of VAN HAM was made not least because of the successful auction of the legendary Rheingold collection at the Achenbach Art Auction, which was followed with great media attention and whose scope and volume has now been exceeded once again. For Thomas Rusche, the realization in this dimension could only be realized through the expertise, infrastructure and the different auction variants at VAN HAM. This is the largest auction of contemporary art in Germany.

"5 Sterne Kunst"   Article by Dr Teresa Bischoff (In German)


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