1964 London
Parkett - The Complete Editions
Taxe: € 300
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(inkl. Aufgeld)
1964 London
Titel: The Bad Need (für Parkett 61).
Datierung: 2001.
Technik: Wandarbeit aus selbstklebendem Vinyl.
Maße: 95 x 105,5 x 0,2cm.
Bezeichnung: Signiert, datiert und nummeriert auf beiliegendem Zertifikat.
Herausgeber: Parkett-Verlag, Zürich (Hrsg.).
Exemplar: 1/70.
Die Arbeit befindet sich in einem sehr guten Zustand. Mit originaler Klebeschutzfolie bedeckt.
Mit Parkett-Magazin.
"Matthew Ritchie is interested in the trace, the mark, the diagrammatic and inscriptural aspects of science. Powerful abstractions of the world, these graphemes are made to intersect in his work with other abstractions drawn from popular culture: computer avatars, Japanese anime, film noir. Looking at his paintings is like being in one of Dorothy's cyclones - one minute a one-celled organism wheels by, the next minute a sequence of skulls streams along from a school chart on evolution. All are bound together in a furiously active matrix of colors applied in unmixed adjacent tones... the flat juxtapositions make it seem map-like... although there is enough play with values to destabilize that reading and create some sense of depth in the whirling forms."
Peter Galison & Caroline Jones, Parkett Nr.
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504. Parkett - The Complete Editions,
Taxe: € 300
Ergebnis: €
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