1978 Hong Kong
Parkett - The Complete Editions
Taxe: € 200
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1978 Hong Kong
Titel: Upon (für Parkett 98).
Datierung: 2016.
Technik: Archival Print (gerahmt) und Handtuch.
Maße: Dimensionen variabel. Fotografie: 28 x 23cm. Handtuch: 101 x 182cm x Bezeichnung: Signiert und nummeriert auf beiliegendem Zertifikat.
Herausgeber: Parkett-Verlag, Zürich (Hrsg.).
Exemplar: 1/25.
Das Werk befindet sich in einem sehr guten Zustand.
Mit beiliegendem Zertifikat. Mit Parkett-Magazin.
"Trained as a painter, Lee Kit has spent the last decade and a half expanding and reframing the medium. His work often features common supports, such as pillowcases and cardboard as well as cloth, painted with pastel stripes or checked lines, that could be found in a typical domestic setting.
Lee has frequently turned his hand-painted fabrics into window curtains, tablecloths, and bed sheets, which he makes use of in his home before exhibiting the items alongside photographs that document their routine employment. Merging artistic practice with everyday life, these efforts ultimately redefine both the function of painting and, in turn, the exhibition context."
Christina Li, Parkett Nr. 98, 2016.
pdf" target="_blank">Artikel zu Werk und Künstler aus Parkett Edition Nr. 98.
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504. Parkett - The Complete Editions,
Taxe: € 200
Ergebnis: €
(inkl. Aufgeld)
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