Jonathan Borofsky - Ohne Titel, 79527-577, Van Ham Kunstauktionen
Jonathan Borofsky: Ohne Titel aus unserer Rubrik: Zeitgen. Gemälde, Zeichnungen, Aquarelle

Jonathan Borofsky - Ohne Titel

1942 Boston

The Kasper König Collection - His Private Choice
am 01.10.2024, Los 81
Taxe: € 6.000

1942 Boston

Titel: Ohne Titel.
Technik: Acryl auf grundierter Holzplatte.
Maße: 58 x 48,5cm.

Wir danken der Paula Cooper Gallery, New York für die freundliche Unterstützung.

Jonathan Borofsky über diese Arbeit:
"The symbol of the red ruby came to me in a dream many years ago. For me, the ruby has always been a symbol for the heart - my heart, as well as the heart of humanity. I have included this symbol as part of many of my installations over the years. This particular ruby is painted with acrylics on primed plywood. It is mounted off the wall approximately 7.5cm. Most likely, I gifted this to Kasper after it appeared in one of his group exhibitions that I participated in - possibly Westkunst 1981."

- Sammlung Kasper König, Berlin (direkt vom Künstler)

- Westkunst, Köln 1981.

Profilbild Marion Scharmann


Marion Scharmann

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520. The Kasper König Collection - His Private Choice,
am 01.10.2024, Los 81
Taxe: € 6.000

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