Parkett - The Complete Editions
Taxe: € 300
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ALLORA & CALZADILLATitel: Deadline (für Parkett 80).
Datierung: 2007.
Technik: DVD eines 16mm-Farbfilms, 3 min, in Hülle.
Maße: Hülle: 19 x 13,5 x 0,5cm.
Bezeichnung: Signiert und nummeriert.
Herausgeber: Parkett-Verlag, Zürich (Hrsg.).
Exemplar: 1/28.
Das Objekt ist voll funktionsfähig. Hülle mit leichten Oberflächenbereibungen und Fingerabdrücken. Ansonsten sehr guter Zustand.
Mit Parkett-Magazin.
"...materiality and metaphoricity constitute a couple. In other words, a material is never simply self-evident in its meaning; it is always marked with histories, cultures, and politics that are at once irreducible to and indissociable from the material in question. Any material is going to have the weight of history inscribed in it. The time of the world is there; geologically, geopolitically, there is always an allegorical dimension to materials. A tropical plant, for instance, cannot be treated as a bare biological life without effacing its colonial genealogy, even though we are quite interested in the actual temporalities and processes of the living organism as a sculptural problematic."
Jennifer Allora / Guillermo Calzadilla, Parkett Nr. 80, 2007." target="_blank"> Artikel zu Werk und Künstler aus Parkett Edition Nr. 80.
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504. Parkett - The Complete Editions,
Taxe: € 300
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